As Brush manufacturers and applications specialists, we can guide you to the most cost-effective solutions. From the most functional to purely aesthetic, from concept to volume production, from cleaning to high-tech, we can share your concern about the most basic rules and efficient in the use of Brushes!
Our Brush Products
- Industrial
- Special
- Strip Brush
- Vehicle Wash
- Concept Brushes
- Twisted-in-Wire Brushes

We are also a main supplier into Food & Pharmaceutical, Brewery Trade, Medical Appliances, Gas & Oil, Potable Water & Filtration, Pollution Control, Fluid-Power, Offshore & Marine, whilst our products are also specified and built into MoD and allied applications.
Our Seal Products
- Bonded Seals
- O-Ring Sizes
- Gaskets/Washers
- Mouldings
- Shock Absorbers/Grommets
- Feet and Bumpers

Industrial Brush & O Ring Suppliers
Welcome to Alliance Group
The Group's UK beginnings during the 1980's, are traced back to North American parentage. Today we are major manufacturers of plastic and elastomeric components as well as being major suppliers of Rubber Seals, O-Rings and Plastic products.
If you do not see an O-Ring you require call us on 01527 584000.
Quick Order Hotline
Call us now to order your seals or brushes!
01527 584000
We specialise in vehicle wash brushes
We supply brushes for most UK and Continental Machines, in all shapes and sizes. Standard and specially made to order in any colour.